Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New Slapart Download

In all my vitriol over the true nature of musicians digital and adigital, I forgot to mention that there is indeed some new sonic potatoes for you to mash on at slapart. Available and hosted on the slapart servers is the first "official" album (albeit live) from South Carolina's favorite psychedelic band, Why Johnny Kills. Taking the title from another psychedelic influence, Roky Erickson of the 13th Floor Elevators, WJK's Songs for the Living Loving You (live) represents only the beginning of their all-out sonic assault. With three original compositions, a studio improvisation, and a cover of yet another psychedelic progenitor Can's "She Brings the Rain," the Johnnies show off their diversity of skillz. You can download it here from slapart at the slap033 .mp3 page. This release is the beginning of a suite of releases that will culminate in the release of their first full-length studio album due sometime early next year.

Uncle Billy belongs to a large family. I might further clarify the process specifically as follows: She puts herself in the place of her friend in the dream, because her friend has taken her own place relation to her husband, and because she would like to take her friend's place in the esteem of her husband[2].. You sheat me out of all de dollar vot I make in Shatham Street; but I vill not go to de devil for all dat.. and Forec, which we include in the fully developed apparatus.. They had a little property to begin with, a couple of hundreds of acres, and two or three negroes apiece...
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